Inspired by my dear friend Allison, I took up the challenge to take a photo each day in 2011 to document my life. I embarked on this with some trepidation (I was not sure I would remember to take a picture every day), and with some curiosity: I didn't have a plan for this project and I was excited to see how it would evolve. What would my life look like, day by day, throughout one year?

Well, one year on, I am addicted to this project. I already took a lot of photos of my children but I have loved the way the 365 challenge has disciplined me to think about and appreciate EVERY SINGLE day - and the precious moments in every day that in the past have flown by unnoticed... I am thrilled to continue with this blog in 2012 - although it really should be retitled: Day by Day 366! Looking forward to a new year...

Just click on any picture to see it enlarged!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 57: There's life in the old dog yet

Our beautiful labrador retriever will be twelve this year, but she still behaves like a puppy at times. Tilly LOVES to play fetch and it is amazing to me to see her and Johnny together like this - we have been playing fetch with Tilly since before he was born!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56: My Italian chefs

I have not been feeling well today, and my nausea was not improved by having to clean up dog vomit (I know, TMI).  I really did not feel like making dinner, so I was thrilled when Johnny and Daniel volunteered. They put on their chefs' hats and whipped up a fabulous pasta dish. What a team...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 55: Yes, it does snow in Portland!

And this is all it takes to have a snow day and for all the schools in the city to close. This was our back yard at 7:30 am - it was all melted by noon and then we had more snow showers this afternoon. The kids and I had a wonderful day: playing in the snow, board games, baking, an extended read-aloud by the fire and a movie night. Oh and Daniel made his second stop motion lego animation, which turned out even better than the first. Wish these snow days happened more often...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54: Ballet Class

Due to the forecast snow (which, of course, has not yet materialized), my Bible study this evening was cancelled, and I was able to take Anna to her ballet class this afternoon. It is really difficult to take a good photo in this dance studio and the ones I took today all came out pretty blurry. However I like the movement in this picture and I like the fact that you can see her leg warmers (which I knitted) reflected in the mirror.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53: Doggy kisses

Noah and Tilly in a sweet embrace - and yes, Noah is wearing Anna's old Dora sunglasses. Snow is forecast for tomorrow (we'll believe it when we see it!) but today was bright and sunny.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52: Snow hike

We spent Presidents' Day hiking around Trillium Lake in the snow with some wonderful friends. It was a four and a half mile walk, with a couple of fairly steep hills, but the kids were good sports, even taking turns to help pull Noah in the sled when his little legs got tired. What a lovely way to spend a holiday!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51: Apples to Apples

This is the beginning of a great Sunday evening game of Apples to Apples, in which the whole family participated. Noah (3) played random cards and still managed to win a couple of times. The other highlight of the evening was homemade hot fudge sauce over ice cream. Simple pleasures...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50: A job well done

I love having a clean house but with four kids and a dog and our crazy schedule, I am not as good as I should be at keeping things tidy. I have to confess that this is the first time the island in my kitchen has been completely clear since Anna's birthday party - a month ago - oops! But there is nothing like imminently arriving guests to get me motivated about housework. Today I hosted a baby shower for a lovely lady from church, so with a number of people coming over, the whole family worked really hard at cleaning the house this morning and the results were great. Here is my very presentable island - and note in the background, Anna and Johnny dusting the piano.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49: Jigsaw Puzzle

Noah really enjoys jigsaw puzzles - this alphabet one is a favorite.

Day 48: Piano Lesson

Daniel normally has a piano lesson while I am teaching Social Studies on a Wednesday afternoon but this week, the lesson was moved to Thursday evening after swimming (hence the hair!), so I was able to take him. It is a real treat to listen to Daniel's amazing piano teacher teach him - here she is explaining to him how the sustain pedal works!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47: Ready to plant

I  bought these beautiful primroses and now I need to find time to plant them!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44: Valentine's Cards

Wow, four kids in school means a LOT of Valentine's cards (around 90 I think!).  We had fun making them together and I'm pretty sure that they are all signed and ready to go for tomorrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43: Artist at work

Johnny, my gardener, wants to repot a spider plant he has been growing and has commissioned his brother to paint a new pot for it. Unsurprisingly, Daniel is painting a beautiful purple dragon...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42: One of the joys of winter

My favorite time of the day is reading to the children before bed. I usually have Daniel and Anna right next to me; Daniel's hearing loss means that it is really helpful to him to look at the text while I am reading and Anna loves to snuggle. In the winter, Johnny loves to sit staring into the fireplace while he listens.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41: Walking home from school

I love this row of trees at the back of our school - and I love them in every season, so I'm sure they will appear on this blog again! I also love the fact that Daniel and Anna enjoy walking home together and always have interesting things to say to each other.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40: "Damn it, Chloe, get me a satellite!"

David's parents gave us a GPS for Christmas and we LOVE it! I think it taps into our secret desire to be CTU field agents on "24".

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39: In the tub

After swimming lessons, these guys want MORE time in the water!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37: Sunday night baking

I am delighted to have sons who love to cook. This is Johnny making granola bars for this week's school lunches. They are delicious!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36: Sledding on Mt Hood again

Another Saturday, another trip to the mountain. This week I went sledding with our church's middle school youth group. They are a great bunch and we had a lovely time.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35: Vegetables

I am a proud member of a food buying group which is committed to local farmers and organic, sustainable food. Every other Friday, a box of delicious produce appears at my door, thanks to a kind friend who delivers it to me. Can't wait to start cooking and eating it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34: Sewing machine

I've been too busy lately to sew but I am itching to get back to my sewing machine. I have several projects to complete and several that I can't wait to start.

Day 33: Date Night

I've been a Sarah McLachlan fan since my sister-in-law gave me "Mirrorball" more than a decade ago. My Christmas gift from my wonderful husband was tickets to her concert here in Portland tonight. We had a fantastic evening - what a voice!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 32: A sunny day

I love having David work from home, which he has done for most of our marriage. For part of today, David and I switched offices and I worked on his computer. He has a cleaner desk and a nicer view than I do.