Inspired by my dear friend Allison, I took up the challenge to take a photo each day in 2011 to document my life. I embarked on this with some trepidation (I was not sure I would remember to take a picture every day), and with some curiosity: I didn't have a plan for this project and I was excited to see how it would evolve. What would my life look like, day by day, throughout one year?

Well, one year on, I am addicted to this project. I already took a lot of photos of my children but I have loved the way the 365 challenge has disciplined me to think about and appreciate EVERY SINGLE day - and the precious moments in every day that in the past have flown by unnoticed... I am thrilled to continue with this blog in 2012 - although it really should be retitled: Day by Day 366! Looking forward to a new year...

Just click on any picture to see it enlarged!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 211: Sunshine and ice cream on the South Bank with Carrie

Another splendid day in London. We walked across Tower Bridge, around the outside of the Tower of London (discussing at great length the various fates of Henry VIII's six wives) and past the beautiful boats at St Katherine's Dock. We happened to be there to watch a group of boats pass through the lock gates and out into the Thames which was fascinating. Then we walked back across Tower Bridge and along the South Bank (so many interesting things to look at), culminating with ice cream at the Millennium Bridge.


  1. I'm so jealous of all the fascinating history your kids are being exposed to! We've talked about Henry VIII and his wives, but I bet your kids will remember it better because they heard it at the Tower!

    I'm also jealous of the fun Noah appears to be having with his ice cream! If only it were socially acceptable for adults to enjoy their dessert with such abandon...

  2. I love the absolute glee on his face!
